We cannot regard capital as the key reason, but should think and explore the root cause of the decline of Internet home improvement from the perspective of the home improvement industry. When the traffic dividend is no longer, the profit space of Internet home improvement represented by matchmaking and intermediary is being squeezed Like almost all "Internet +" models, the profit model of Internet home improvement is achieved by matching business transactions between decoration companies and owners.
The sustainable development of this profit model requires a huge amount of traffic as support, which is why almost all Internet home improvement platforms are gathering traffic on their own platforms. In the era of Internet home improvement, those Internet home improvement platforms that are really favored by the market and respected by capital are almost special database all platforms that have mastered massive traffic. When the traffic peaks, the profit model represented by matchmaking and intermediary begins to encounter more and more new challenges. On the one hand, the demand for matching by decoration companies and owners is constantly decreasing.
When the traffic dividend is gone, the imagination that Internet home improvement brings to people begins to peak. Internet home improvement needs to abandon the profit model based on matching and intermediary, and find more new profit models to reopen new imagination space. The processes and links that the Internet home improvement platforms were unwilling to do in the past now need to be paid attention to and discovered. Only in this way can the development of Internet home improvement truly jump out of the profit model represented by matching and intermediary, and open a new era.