In the business environment, the customer comes first. This often leaves office communication efforts as an afterthought. Managers and administrators are buzzing, thinking of the best strategies to please investors. And the rest of the office has to employee contact list wait for the information to reach them through word of mouth, email or flyers. Businesses need to re-evaluate how to employee contact list streamline office communication. If you work in an office, these Atlassian stats won't surprise you: most employees attend 62 meetings a month. If each meeting lasts one hour, half of these meetings are considered “unproductive”. As a result, $37 billion in annual salaries are misspent on unnecessary meetings.
The waste doesn't stop there. Most employees receive up to 304 work emails on average each week. The annual productivity cost of these poorly written communications, per employee, is $2,100 to $4,100. The meetings are just repeating the employee contact list same information that has been circulating in the emails for the past few days. How can companies overcome this cycle? By implementing a solution that reaches all audiences in a simple and visually appealing way. How to centrally manage communication with employees across all sites We're about to employee contact list say something that anyone who's planned a wedding already knows.
It doesn't matter if you're dealing with 25 or 250 people. Things will get complicated. Hopefully your corporate communications don't lead to employee contact list tears over seating arrangements. But without the right infrastructure - well, we're not saying tears will flow, but there may be heads banging on keyboards. It's easy enough to employee contact list see why a large, multi-branch company would struggle to communicate effectively with every employee: employees are spread across departments, offices, cities, even countries. And yet, at the other end of the spectrum, smaller teams often have just as many internal communication issues as their larger counterparts.